Rules on the Trails

Trail System Rules:

  1. No Dogs off leash - even in the water!

  2. Pick up dog waste and dispose of it at the dog waste station

  3. No swimming or Water Play in the river

  4. No floating devices, blankets or beach towels

  5. No fishing

  6. No Alcohol or Smoking

  7. No Drones

  8. No Camping or overnight parking

  9. No blocking trails  

  10. No blocking water crossings

  11. No Motorized vehicles or toys 

  12. No E-Bikes or Pedal Assist Bikes

  13. No fires of any kind

  14. No BBQ’s or picnics

  15. No Guns, hunting or shooting


Everyone must yield to horses on the trail. Stop and Move your full group over to the same side of the trail to allow safe passage. Talk, say “HEY” so the horse knows you are there and you are friendly.

Bike riders must yield to horses and hikers. Stop your bike and move to the side for safe passage. Again, please Talk so the horse knows you are a person. Please pick up a bike bell at our trail head so hikers and horses can hear you coming as you jingle down the trail.

Equestrians please stop and alert the hikers/bike riders that you are coming through. Pass by slowly and safely.