The Mounted Patrol
In 2021 Fallbrook Trails Council formed a Mounted Patrol. These avid trail people volunteer their time to ride or hike along the trails assisting visitors. The patrol has trail maps and extra water to hand out if needed. Patrol members will give directions, explain the trail rules and chat with visitors. At times, we even allow kids to pet the horses! Please say “Hey” next time you see the Mounted Patrol members on the trails.
Meet the Patrol
Beth & Diamond
Laurie & Diego
Lita & Jitterbug
Peter & his Mountain Bike
Blayne & Bubie
Shelley & Cash
If you are interested in joining the Mounted Patrol please send us an email.
Trail Master
We have one more extremely active Volunteer. This is our Trail Master Craig. He is out on the trails managing downed trees, clearing trails and completing any needed trail repair. He can be seen both a foot and horseback many times with a chainsaw in hand!
Volunteer opportunities
We have 18 miles of beautiful trails and it takes a team to maintain them. We conduct trail maintenance work parties throughout the Santa Margarita watershed. This is a wonderful way for you to contribute something back to your community and your efforts are most appreciated! Craig is our Trail Master, please email Craig at to volunteer to work on the trails during the week or on weekends. If you are physically unable to volunteer for trail work, please make a donation to the Fallbrook Trails Council.
If you are unable to participate in the workdays, please consider making a donation.
Thank you Every little bit helps!